<aside> 💡 Hello, I'm Oluchukwu, a Product Designer in Lagos, Nigeria


<aside> 🎨

I am a creative person and i love to try out new things. I’m fun to talk to and i love to engage in intellectual conversations.


<aside> 💪🏾 I am focused and determined.


Take a look at my CV(.pdf)

Oluchukwu Tashie's Resume.pdf

Recent projects



About Me

Hello there, nice to meet you!

I am Oluchi, a Product designer based in Lagos, Nigeria. I am passionate about solving problems that benefits both the Users and business goals. I am majorly into designing User Experiences (UX) and User Interface (UI).

My Career journey into product design started officially in January 2022. Before then I worked as a Customer Fulfillment Associate, I loved engaging customers to find out their pain points and provide solutions to them. I handled customer support and managed customers’ feedback and expectations. This was where I gained empathy skills by understanding users feelings, emotions and point of view.

I'm passionate about exploring creative ways of solving problems, finding new solutions to existing problems, and creating exceptional experiences that aligns business strategy with the needs of the users.

I am currently opened to opportunities where I can work with a team to leverage my skills and build amazing products.

[email protected]